Bank Customer Churn Analysis
Understanding Customer Attrition: An In-depth Bank Churn Analysis [Available to Read]

An Analysis of the World's BRT Systems
Exploratory Data Analysis on Bus Rapid Transport systems across the world.

Predicting Movie Similarity using Movie Summaries
Using hierarchical clustering to recommend movies based on similarity.

What Your Heart Rate is Telling You
Using multiple logistic regression to handle the confounding effects of age and gender.

Which Debts Are Worth a Bank's Effort?
Using regression discontinuity to determine which debts are worth collecting by a bank.

Kidney Stones and the Simpson's Paradox
Using multiple logistic regression to help the doctors determine if there is a difference between the two treatments.

Most Important Characters in Game of Thrones
The North Remembers! Using network analysis to determine the most important characters in the critically acclaimed show: Game of Thrones.

Dr. Semmelweis and the Discovery of Handwashing
An analysis of the data backing one of the crucial discoveries in modern medicine: handwashing.

Heart Disease & Potential Risk Factors
Ran statistical tests and regression models using the Cleveland heart disease dataset to assess one particular factor: maximum heart rate one can achieve during exercise and how it is associated with a higher likelihood of getting heart disease.

Recreating Jon Snow's Ghost Map
Recreating Jon Snow's Ghost Map During London's Cholera Outbreak in 1854.